The Zoo

The Zoo
At the zoo last year with some of the girls...Jas is pouting in the background because she didn't like the group she was in. Ahh pouty chlidren...I've gained an infinite amount of respect for my wonderful parents!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


To me, the best part of my job is getting to talk about Jesus with my students. It's something that I take for granted at school. I forget about those teachers that can't utter a word about religion, much less get to pray with their students. The sweetest part of the day is watching the kids recite the Lord's prayer with morning announcements. Here is sweet Deandre praying. I rarely close my eyes during the prayer because the sight of 16 second graders reciting the Lord's prayer is something I don't want to miss. If this picture doesn't tug at your heart, then you should come sit in on prayer request time. The weight of the world that rests on their shoulders is almost too much to bare. "I pray for my daddy to get out jail, my momma to get a job, to have my lights turned on, no more bugs in my house" are the most common prayer requests in my room that I would very much like to have answered for these sweet children.
Teaching 7 and 8 year-olds the power of prayer is the most precious, sweet time of my day!

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